Process Filtration
Oil & Gas and Chemical Process Filtration
Enerwells designs custom filters to the specific conditions of the Oil and Gas industry’s upstream, midstream, and downstream processes.
Efficient processes in the chemical industry deliver quality products. Enerwells custom filtration products can increase the reliability and safety of the production process ensuring to the quality of the final product.

Upstream Filtration
Increase efficiency and reliability with filtration solutions that improve overall performance for upstream production applications.
Midstream Filtration
Minimize downtime and extend equipment life with custom filters designed to support fluid systems by removing solid contaminants, water, and gas. With a reliable and efficient midstream process, upstream production, and downstream refining facilities can remain online.
Downstream Filtration
Why risk equipment failure and increased maintenance costs? Improve refining efficiency with Enerwells custom filtration solutions that maximize separation of particulate contaminates and fluids separation.
Our Products & Services
Custom filters designed to process conditions
Fuel gas filter
Lube oil filtration
Air filtration
Strainers and metal elements
Lab testing for filters and process samples